Jimmy Fallon is playing a stormer over in New York as the new host of The Tonight Show this week. He has managed to up his game but still stayed true to his original show, with comedy sketches a plenty. You may remember a few months ago when him and Justin Timberlake had an epic two minute conversation speaking only in hashtags, well the 'hashtag chat' is back again, this time with Jonah Hill as his partner in crime.

They managed to cover everything from Jonah's Oscar nomination for The Wolf of Wall Street ('#Blessed'), to the fact that it is somehow 2014 already (#TimeFlies, #WhereHaveAllTheYearsGone, #WhereHaveAllTheCOWBOYSGone, #PaulaCole).

Even Mr Martin Scorsese makes a cameo at the end!

Hashtag watch below:

And here is the original hashtag chat with Justin Timberlake from last year...