We've all been there, you're sitting down with your mum and dad watching a bit of telly, and all of a sudden characters are taking their clothes off, there are all sorts of noises being made, and you are dying on the inside. When will it just be OVER you wonder? CUP OF TEA ANYONE?!
Or then there are the annoying questions, 'Who's that fella again?' 'What happened there?' and of course the running commentary on whatever is happening. Most of these pitfalls are avoided obviously when you're an adult and have your own grown up TV to be watching. But anyone that may have been home with the aul pair over the Easter break knows that it never really changes.
You're not alone either - so much so that its the theme which has informed HBO Go's latest series of commercials, which yeah we know are just ads, but they're funny ads alright!
First up, watching 'Game of Thrones' with the aul pair, never a wise move with all that nudity and complicated story lines...and what's he in again?
How about some awkward 'True Detective' with dad?
Or finally, you could just go right in at the deep end and watch 'Girls' with your mum...