We know it may be a sad state of affairs that we are counting down the days until a TV show, but this is Game of Thrones we are talking about, so you understand.

Season five will premiere in April so no doubt there will be an influx of teasers and trailers on the way over the coming months.

We have two of them below, and bear in mind, they are confusing as hell and we can't really work out feck-all from them, no matter how many times we've hit replay.

The first one is about Arya Stark and where she is at now, as we see her standing in front of black and white doors believed to be representing The House of Black and White in Braavos. This is the temple of the Many-Faced God and the headquarters of the Faceless Men. (Obvs).

The second clip shows Sansa Stark, an owl, a door, and yeah... look we don't know what it's trying to say but it's called 'The Sight'.

No doubt you book readers know exactly what's happening, but shhh, don't ruin it on us neanderthals waiting to see it on telly.