Just when you think things can't get any crazier on 'The White Lotus', in comes episode six and bulldozes expectations. Get a round of Aperol Spritz's in, because there was a lot to unpack in this week's penultimate offering.
First up, let's talk about the birthday girl. We really feel for Valentina (Sabrina Impacciatore). The character planned a little romantic post-work date with her colleague Isabella (Eleonora Romandini), only to discover that her crush is actually engaged to Rocco (Federico Ferrante), and decides to cancel the drinks and have a few for herself at the hotel bar instead. We don't envision her storyline going much further during next week's finale, except for perhaps a few awkward glances shared between the hotel manager and Mia (Beatrice Grannò) after that night of secret passion.
The three-generational journey to find their long-lost relatives didn't go too well for the Di Grasso men, and the most hilarious part of it all was their crazy relative shouting about throwing artichokes at their heads. But these women need no men in their lives. We do envision, however, Lucia's (Simona Tabasco) pimp causing trouble next week, and these three men could very well end up being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Albie (Adam DiMarco) has fallen hard for Lucia, and his father and grandfather are invested in her too. But there are also the other guys who know Lucia to think about...
Cameron (Theo James) still owes Lucia €1,300 from that night earlier in the week, and Ethan (Will Sharpe) has discovered that the bill has yet to be paid. Ethan's day spent at The White Lotus kicked into overdrive when Harper (Aubrey Plaza) and Theo disappeared from the bar and he rushed up to his hotel room riddled with paranoia. The show is doing an incredible job of showing how different people (and different sexes) deal with trust - or the lack thereof.

And then finally, we have the Tanya McQuoid (Jennifer Coolidge) cocaine-filled gay party. It's not looking good for her, is it? There have been some theories circulating across the internet about what might happen to Tanya, and unfortunately, none of them end all that well. Now that Portia (Hayley Lu Richardson) knows more information about her Essex boy Jack (Leo Woodall) and the "hole" his "uncle" took him out of, she might have to save the day for her boss - if she manages to make it back to Palermo in time.
Here's how viewers reacted to 'The White Lotus' episode six, with some extra commentary on how next week's finale might shape up below.
But we all know what's about to happen next week. Death! But what everyone is trying to figure out is who exactly will end up being those floating bodies discovered by Daphne (Meaghann Fahy) in the Mediterranean sea back in episode one.
If you want to remain completely in the dark regarding the fan theories for next week's finale, then don't read any further.
You have been warned! If you're still with us, here's what fans are saying might happen during 'The White Lotus' episode seven, which will be aptly titled 'Arrivederci'.
What do you think will happen next week? All we know is that Harper deserved better and we condone all of her actions. Plus, we'd love Jennifer Coolidge back for season three. Let's see if she makes it out of this season alive - and with all of her money intact.