If you missed last night's episode of The Apprentice then you'll probably be rather shocked to discover that three candidates were giving their marching orders. Not half as shocked as you'll be to find out who one of 'em was though: If you don't want to know we suggest you look away now.
Still with us? Good.
Tensions were high in the boardroom after that tough round of interviews, but nobody really expected good old Alan to send home his golden boy: That's right, football centre manager Neil Clough was fired, despite being Sugar's favourite candidate: Guess his estate agency website idea just wasn't up Alan's alley.
"If this was all about me giving someone a job, I'd give you a job tomorrow. But coming into business with me, I'm afraid not my friend." he told Clough. The lad was understandably sad to hear it, but could see where his would-be business partner was coming from. "I'm absolutely gutted. My biggest regret is I was given a chance to put in a Plan B and I didn't, and I absolutely do regret that. Whether or not that end goal of winning took over, I don't know. I'm so competitive, that's why I think I'm so gutted now. I wanted it so much and it's difficult to take." he said.
"For Lord Sugar to say, 'You're the right man, you've just got the wrong plan', I could see he was sort of willing me to be the person that goes into business with him" Clough continued, "but my business plan wasn't right for him, I did make a couple of mistakes with it. I do respect his decision."
He wasn't the only one though: Francesca MacDuff-Varley and Jordan Poulton were also given the push. We had to feel for poor Jordan. Sure solving a Rubik's Cube ain't easy at the best of times. We still haven't forgotten his little moment with Margaret last week either...
The stage is now set for a showdown between cale shop owner Luisa Zissman and doctor Leah Totton, who will go head to head next Wednesday, July 17th, in the hopes of nabbing a £250,000 investment, and a business partnership with Mr Sugar.
Branded baking ingredients or non-surgial cosmetic treatments? We're not sure which would suit the Lord better...