We cannot stress enough how much of a spoiler ALERT we need to make here. Any hardcore Family Guy fans out there should just click away NOW. What you're about to read will break your little cartoon, love-heart shaped aortic pump.


There's no easy way to deliver the news, but Brian the dog has died. It aired in the US last night and has yet to reach our shores, adding insult to injury after yesterday's New Zealand game. I'm not sure how much more heartache we can take.

Fox had warned that they'd be killing off a Griffin and we're not quite sure who we'd have expected to or been OK with getting the chop but THE DOG? NO! Just no.

How'd Brian bite the dust? He was hit by a car, and poor Stewie was unable to go back in time and stop it. Can you imagine the depths of evil that baby Stewie will descend into? How will he go on without his beloved sidekick?

What's more, Hollywood Life tell us they not only killed off Brian but then replaced him with some new sh*t dog called Vinnie. Too soon, TOO SOON!

Time to remember the wonder that was Brian.