Well, what would you do if you were leader of the Western world with more power than you knew what to do with? Use it to get the next series of Game of Thrones before anybody else is what! Well that, and True Detective, which the President also asked for. Some neck 'ey?

Having already expressed his fondness for a bit of House of Cards and Homeland in the past, it seems that Obama is a fan of quite a lot of telly, where does he find the time you'd wonder? But then, can't imagine there's much else to be doing on those long Air Force One flights. 'Middle East Crisis?' 'Em... yeah after I watch the red wedding, bear with me.'

The president asked the HBO chief at last week's state dinner for French President Francois Hollande, according to The New York Times. He was reportedly hoping to catch up on the two shows over the Presidents Day Weekend.

If there's one thing we've learned about young Obama though, he's a bit of craic, must be all that Irish in him. So, while of course he could have been deadly serious, this could all have been a bit of banter too. Wouldn't want to be the HBO chief trying to work out which it was though, nobody wants to be one to piss off the leader of the free world now do they?