After last night's double elimination, the islanders are going to be joined by a brand new face very soon to shake things up.
Entering the villa in tonight's 'Love Island' show, new bombshell Jamie Clayton will likely be about to turn some heads with two single ladies currently looking to couple up.
But will the 28-year-old recruitment consultant from Edinburgh be what Shaughna and Demi are looking for? Let's find out what Jamie is all about.

What makes you the perfect Love Islander?
I’m funny, I’m outgoing, confident and I’m what the villa needs!
Describe yourself in three words.
Confident, loyal and charming.
How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1-10 and what would you say is your best feature?
I’d give myself an 8. My best feature and what I get complimented on the most is my smile.
What is your worst habit?
I’m a clean freak so I’ll always be tidying up the villa! Sometimes that can irritate people.
Describe your ideal woman.
Attraction gets me interested and then it’s the personality that keeps me interested. I tend to go for chatty girls, I need someone who can hold a conversation and have a laugh and someone who I can trust. I want a loyal girl.
How do you tend to meet dates?
9 times out of 10 I get dates from Instagram. But more recently it’s been a more natural thing, I’ve met people in person which I prefer.
What’s been your most disastrous date/dating experience?
I’m quite successful at getting first dates but I’m quite poor at maintaining them. There’s never been someone where there’s been a mutual second date.
What’s the best or worst chat up line you’ve ever used or someone has used on you?
My usual chat up line is ‘What is your star sign?’ It works all the time. Whatever star sign they say, I just say 'Ah we’re compatible'.
Who in the villa have you got your eye on?
I fancy Demi and Shaughna. Demi talks all the time, she’s out there, gorgeous and bubbly so I like that about her. Shaughna, she’s a good-looking girl and she doesn’t beat around the bush, I like the direct approach.
Will Jamie be able to send hearts a-flutter? Find out when 'Love Island' continues tonight at 9pm on Virgin Media One.