Jon Stewart walked away from The Daily Show last year having established a special kind of entertainment programme - one that managed to inform as much as it amused.
While he left the show in the increasingly capable hands of Trevor Noah, we have really missed Jon - especially when you consider who the presumptive nominee for the Republican party is.
While we'll get to see Stewart soon on a new HBO show, which will be designed for "shorter form content for HBO and HBO Go." He found time recently to lay into The Donald in a hilarious astute manner.
Finally speaking about Trump on The Axe Files podcast with the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politics, Stewart did not hold back.
“I’m not a constitutional scholar, so I can’t necessarily say, but are you eligible to run if you are a man-baby, or a baby-man? He has the physical countenance of a man and a baby’s temperament – and hands. He is the most thin-skinned individual … When was America great? What is this time that he speaks of? ’81 to ’82? And who took your country away from you? At this point I would vote for Mr. T over Donald Trump.”
Oh how we've missed you, Jon.