Fans around the country probably needed a fair few fizzy oranges to calm the nerves after watching one character's demise on Love/Hate on Sunday night.
SPOILER ALERT: You know the drill folks, if you haven't seen it, don't read ahead...
As young IRA man Dano and nervous kingpin Nidge both set off on journeys to the middle of nowhere we had a feeling that the end was nigh for one of them, but that didn't make it any less surprising to see the young fella being gunned down before he could find out what actually happened to his daddy.
Actor Jason Barry had a feeling it was coming though: "I knew last year (after season 3) from talking with Stuart Carolan that Dano's days were numbered in season 4" he explained. "I was happy that he was brought back but nervous about how he would exit. Dano and Nidge can't exist in the same world so I figured Stuart would kill him off rather than just have him drive off in to the sunset."
The Titanic star said he'd really enjoyed finding his darker side when taking on the role, but admitted that he'd grown to feel a bit of sympathy for his character. "He was such a complex character even though he didn't come across as the brightest tool in the box, I actually felt a bit sorry for him at the end. I mean after all - all he wanted was to get the guys who killed his dad."
As for Barry himself, well, it sound as though he's planning to make as permanent an exit from our screens himself. The actor went on to reveal that working with Carolan and co on the production has definitely made him think about doing a bit more work on this side of the Atlantic.
"Love/Hate has really excited me again about working back home so I hope the show will lead to more work in Ireland", he said. And sure wouldn't we only love to have him back on these here shores?