For those of you who may have managed to miss out on all the hype surrounding Homeland, and indeed American Horror Story, the first two seasons of both are going to be available to watch on Netflix as of tomorrow. So you can watch Clare Danes famous cry face whenever you want, and you will see it a LOT in Homeland. They even gave her a Golden Globe and Emmy Award for it.

Ah no, we'll stop being mean about Clare now, she's great really, as is her co-star Damien Lewis. They play American soldier Sergeant Nicholas Brody and CIA agent Carrie Mathieson, and the series follows Brody’s transformation from war hero to suspected sleeper cell operative planning a terrorist atrocity, after he returns home from 10 years capture in Iraq. It's as compelling as TV gets, even if people did say it jumped the shark a bit at the start of the second series, it definitely redeemed itself in the end.

American Horror Story is the award-winning hit anthology series, with each season telling different self-contained stories. Season one follows the story of a family called the Harmons that moves into a home haunted by its former deceased occupants, it also includes Kate Mara, star of Netflix Original series House of Cards. While season 2 centres on the inhabitants of an institution for the criminally insane in the 1960's. Eeery stuff altogether, but not many TV shows will be able to scare the bejaysus out of you like this one can.

Look, it even made the gorgeous Kate Mara terrifying...