As we settled in to watch TV3's attempt at the Toy Show, we were filled with memories of Uncle Gaybo trying to get a Talkboy to work, Pat Kenny shorting out a studio with a Mr. Slushie machine and Ryan Tubridy. In general.

Brian McFadden, Karen Koster and Jedward were lined up as hosts and, judging by Twitter's reaction, it wasn't a complete car-crash.



Ah, nostalgia. Always a winner. Kinda surprised nobody brought out a Talkboy, though. Credit card? Yuuuuu got it.




It wasn't all positive, however, with a lot of people taking umbrage with the constant ad-breaks. How else is Brian McFadden gonna pay for that awful suit?


Reaction to the musical guests was mixed, to say the least. However, we could all agree on one thing...




Yes, Wanderly Wagon's Judge appeared and reminded us all that we are old. Very, very old. So old, in fact, that none of the kids - or people under 25 - knew who he was.

Boredom set in for some of the audience members, however...


But overall, the feeling was that TV3's attempt at a Toy Show was a decent effort, if a little manic in places.


We now turn to Tubbers to see if he can match them for cringeyness.


Should be no hassle, really.


via Twitter