First Dates returned to Channel 4 last night for a new series, the show that of course led to our own recent spin-off earlier in the summer. While it's obviously a bit more craic watching/cringing at First Dates Ireland, we did have a man from Derry to bring a bit of Irish charm to the show last night.

24-year-old Damian instantly won viewers over with his sense of humour, and also how openly he talked about his Tourettes. He was only diagnosed with the condition back in 2013 after a bad breakup led to a breakdown, and has lived with it ever since saying; "It’s like this constant companion that follows you around, that upsets you and makes you laugh."

He bravely put himself out there last night to meet his date Kai, a 31-year-old businessman and part-time model, who had a soft spot for Irish fellas. The pair hit it off from the get-go with Kai also revealing how he had mental health problems in the past.

Viewers were totally smitten with the pair, and were delighted to see that they had went on to have more dates and have even met each others familes. N'aww.

Damian also took to twitter earlier today following the reaction to his appearance on the show;