Well it's a headline you might see floating around the internet today, but in the interest of full disclosure to all ye lovely readers, we must say that neither Bryan Cranston or Vince Gilligan have officially confirmed it. How and ever! It's looking pretty likely.

Breaking Bad's highly anticipated spin-off Better Call Saul is set to be on our screens by the end of this year and will tell the story of lawyer Saul Goodman in both flashbacks and flashforwards, meaning that it's not only likely Walter White will be turning up along the way, but almost inevitable.

According to reports in Hollywood Life, the actor is 'definitely' set to return with a source saying; “With the new show coming and the possibility of flashbacks or flash-forwards, there is going to be something with Walter White.”

“They won’t do it as a gimmick, it will actually mean something when they do it," Going on to say; “Definitely expect the return of Walter White in some way, shape or form in the new show.”

Don't know about you, but we genuinely feel like the internet will implode when this TV moment happens. Can't wait!