They should really just give up the ghost on this Big Brother thing, shouldn't they? They've banished it off to Channel Five or the like, but it's still hard to escape it completely. Although if we were one of those celeb folks desperately seeking to revive our career, we'd choose a gaff with central heating over the Australian jungle any day of the week.
The rumour mills are going wild (WILD, we tells ya) about who will be on the 2015 show, and it's been reported that American celebrity blogger Perez Hilton will be one of the house mates. A source told The Sun; "Perez is a huge influence online, with a website that's one of the biggest in the world. He's also making a name for himself outside the web, having appeared on various telly shows and had run-ins with well-known celebrities. Perez loves Britain and the producers of CBB can’t wait for him to star in one of the most talked about shows here."
Really? One of the most talked about shows? Come on now.
It's also thought that Calum Best and Katie Hopkins will be joining Perez in the house... wait, wasn't Calum Best on it before? Surely...