Yep, the 90s sitcom star returns for another season on Netflix today with all twelve episodes available to view as of this morning, and this time round it boasts even more familiar voices. Will Arnett of course voices Bojack but Aaron Paul will also be returning as his mate Todd Chavez, while there will also be guest appearances by Lisa Kudrow as Wanda Pierce, Amy Sedaris as Princess Carolyn, Alison Brie as Diane Nguyen, Paul F. Tompkins as Mr. Peanutbutter. Pretty impressive, 'ey?
For those that haven't seen it before, Bojack is a legendary 90's sitcom star, who has been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing, whisky and failed relationships.
Now however, he is starring in his dream movie (a biopic of Secretariat), but humbled by the events of last season, BoJack attempts to use his career second wind as a stepladder to a springboard to becoming a newer, better BoJack
A statement about the show reads; "If season one of BoJack Horseman is about a character learning he needs to change, the new season is about whether or not he can. It's a character in a rut, trying to pull out of that rut, and the rut pulling back."
Catch the trailer below,