Well that's a headline we'd never thought we'd expect to write. Endemol, the creators of long-running reality TV show Big Brother, have signed on to follow the fortunes of MarsOne - a one-way spaceflight to Mars that's being funded by a Dutch billionaire that, he hopes, will create a colony on Mars.

Endemol says its show will follow the entire project - from the selection of astronauts to the production of the spacecraft to, hopefully, the launch of the flight itself. The project, which is being privately funded, already has major engineering contractors Lockheed Martin and Paragon Space Development. 

The trip to Mars will be the longest manned flight ever undertaken by mankind and, if it's successful, will be followed up by several more. Bas Lansdrop, the eccentric billionaire behind MarsOne, hopes to create a new colony on Mars and received a whopping 200,000 applicants to fly a one-way trip to Mars.

Producers say they're in it for the long haul as the first launch isn't expected until 2025 - if it even happens at all.

Just think - all those crappy Big Brother contestants had a hand in possibly creating the greatest scientific achievement known to man. What a time to be alive.