Say it isn't so! We hoped we'd be bringing Nidge and the gang well into retirement -  KINGS of the nursing home, we imagined. But no, it appears all good things, must in fact come to an end, as it turns out the finish line is in sight for the TV drama.

An industry source told the Irish Independent: "There were rumours that season five was going to be 12 episodes, but that's not the case -- it's six, with a proper climax that Love/Hate fans are used to and enjoy. [...] "The plan is to finish the Love/Hate journey next year, with another series after this one."

And then that's that. Done, no more. Now in fairness, we all know that you can never say never in TV land, but by the sounds of it, Stuart Carolan has the rest of their story already planned out. It seems they want to give the show as thrilling an ending as possible, and to do that, the show will end next year.

The cast are getting set to begin shooting season five over the next few months, and it's said to be "all hands on deck because everything has to be ready to go [...] Love/Hate is a tight ship and a very fast-paced shoot", the source said. (Who ARE these so called sources anyway?)

They all received their scripts last week, but have signed confidentiality agreements not to reveal any of the plot. Although, someone must have said something, as it was rumoured last weekend that a major character is going to be killed off in this next series. Feckin source leaked that, no doubt, Nidge would want to sort those bleedin sources ouw!