Last night's episode of Love/Hate may just have been the best one yet, well, certainly since season three. The tension and uncertainly throughout was enough to drive anyone to a tipple, while the performances from all were simply top notch. In fact, if you had never seen an episode of Love/Hate before in your life, you still couldn't help but be drawn into the high stakes drama of it all.

For hard core fans (which every fan is really), we got to see a storyline that was three seasons in the making come to a head, as Patrick finally revealed to Fran just who had thrown the pipe bomb that in one way or another, led to Linda's death. A crucial moment, that has now forever ended the on/off bromance that was Nidge and Fran. Nothing will ever be the same between the pair now, and you get the feeling only one can come out of this season alive.

The aftermath of this discovery led to something we don't think we've ever seen before in Love/Hate - actual FRAN TEARS. Angry tears, but tears nonetheless. Not. Able.

His thirst for revenge led him to getting a gun and balaclava off his Traveller friends and it looked like Nidge was a dead man walking until Super Cop/real-life Garda came to the rescue. Nidge lives to fight another day... just about.

Now though, we are faced with one of the most important questions of our time - bigger than Home and Away or Neighbours, bigger than Blur or Oasis - it's... #TeamFran or #TeamNidge?

Vote in the comments - we'll let Stuart Carolan know what he needs to do.

Review: Love/Hate Ep 1 - Nidge, Nits, and Bones to Pick