Seems as though the modern day interpretation of Doctor Who isn't going down too well with some of the old guard. Waris Hussein, one of the original directors of the series, says that the show has lost its innocence since The Doctor started kissing his Companions before taking them for a ride in his big blue police box.

"There is an element now - and I know we're living in a different era - of sexuality that has crept in," said Hussein, when discussing the on-screen dynamic between current Time Lord Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman. "We've just had a recent rebirth and another girl has joined us, a companion - she actually snogged him." Shock, horror. Has he forgotten that whole Billie Piper/David Tennant scenario entirely?

Anyway, Hussein thinks things were much better back in the old days, when the Doctor had a bit more mystery about him. "The intriguing thing about the original [Doctor] was that you never quite knew about him and there was a mystery and an unavailability about him," he told Radio 4's 'The Reunion'. "Why bring in this element when in fact you needn't have it there?" And to top it all off, Peter Purves, who played Doctor Who companion Steve Taylor between 1965 and 1966.

Purves also said he thought the new Who storylines had become far too complicated in recent years. "The original series was so simple,” he explained, "they were very straightforward, nice linear stories that one could follow." Well, that certainly won't be music to Steven Moffat and Co's ears. Hope they'll still be inviting the lads to Doctor Who 50....

Well know Time Lord fans, what do you make of all this? Have the lads got a point? Or is it just a great big Who-labaloo? Bah-dum-chhhh..