Season two of Netflix's Narcos arrived on the streaming service last Friday and fans have been devouring it ever since. The story of the rise of Colombian drug pin Pablo Escobar proved a sleeper hit for Netflix last year, but enough for it to be renewed for another season.

Now there's even better news as it's just been announced that Narcos has been commissioned for not one, but two more seasons, so there's a lot more to come in the story yet.

The series stars Wagner Moura (Elite Squad, Elysium) as Pablo Escobar alongside Boyd Holbrook (Gone Girl) and Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones) as real-life DEA agents Steve Murphy and Javier Peña.

Executive producer Eric Newman told EW. "… This show has always been about cocaine. We purposely did not call the show Pablo Escobar or Medellin … If somebody wants another season of the show, we would sit down and draw from the pretty massive amount of real estate and research that we’ve done and do something kind of cool."