We could all learn a thing or two from Woody Harrelson.

There's no doubt that many of us spend too much time on our phones, are glued to it at every opportunity and take it out of our pocket out of sheer habit.

The 'True Detective' actor found himself doing that a few years ago - and instead of making an effort to limit his usage, he went cold turkey and got rid of his mobile phone altogether.

Harrelson was a guest on the 'Where Everybody Knows Your Name' podcast with his former 'Cheers' co-star Ted Danson when Danson joked about his phone-free existence.

"Let me explain something about Woody: he doesn’t have a phone,” he said. "He’s one of those bullies in life that make other people carry his phone for him. ‘Hey, we need to know something immediately, call Woody.’ And I just kinda laugh at whoever says that to me."

Harrelson then responded: "Well, that’s not exactly true - I just don’t like to have to be readily available to any human being at any time. And plus, that’s not the reason. I like to be in touch with people, in a way, but I don’t like the appendage on my appendage."

He said that he had given up his phone - which he only ever used for texting - after realising the hold it had on him - and that he would even be distracted by it while out for dinner with someone and "there was a lull in the conversation".

"I made a thing where I’m like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna set a two-hour limit on my phone," he said. "It’s like, 9:30. I’ve already hit my limit at 9:30. So I woke up and I’ve been on it two hours already, because you know how it can just keep going and going."

Danson grudgingly admitted: "I admire what you do with phones, by the way, Woody. I need to emulate that."

Harrelson does have a social media presence, but whether he uses a computer to post, or has a minion to do so - we may never know.