Tinder is useful for a lot of things apart from just meeting new people, as it turns out. 

If you're hungry, forget about ordering take-away online, that's going to cost you money, and we're all trying to save our pennies as best we can these days. Instead, next time you fancy a slice of pizza, hop on Tinder and see if you can wangle it out of a complete stranger instead. 

That's what a lot of ladies on the dating app are getting up to these days, in a new trend that has become known as "Tinder Games". It's a pretty ballsy move to straight up ask a stranger to send you food, but it seems to be working, at least for a few people anyway. The challenge is posted on Facebook, and then the first to get their pizza delivered is declared the winner. 

Pic via Usvsth3m/Twitter

Pic via Mashable

It can also be sushi, if you prefer Japanese cuisine to Italian. 

Pic via Mashable

One point that should be mentioned, as raised by Mashable, is the fact that you should probably avoid sending your address to complete strangers you meet on the internet/dating apps, it's not the best idea. Besides, sometimes using a real pizza delivery app can get you out of a sticky situation, like when you've been kidnapped

Via Mashable