An unnamed woman has been fined in Manchester after bringing her horse into a McDonald's.

Apparently the woman first rode up to the fast food restaurant and tried to get served at the drive-thru window but was told they didn't serve people on horseback, so instead dismounted and walked right into the eatery to get served when the horse decided it was also unhappy with the treatment and displayed it by crapping all over the floor.

A statement from McDonald's read: 'The incident caused distress to customers and disruption for the restaurant, and the police issued the woman with a fixed penalty notice. The health and safety of our customers and staff is our top priority, and for this reason we are unable to serve pedestrians, bicycle riders or customers on horseback through the drive-thru.'

Meanwhile Greater Manchester police confirmed that 'The sight and smell of this caused obvious distress and upset to customers trying to eat, as well as staff members. Officers arrived at the location and the woman was issued a fixed penalty notice for causing alarm and distress to other customers and staff.'

No word on what happened to the horse. We're assuming it got out alive without being made into a burger.