This is heart-stopping, mind-blowing and miraculous all at once.

NBC News in America showed footage from a news story that is almost impossible to believe last night. Two small skydiving planes collided in the air over Wisconsin on Saturday evening, and what could have ended up in tragedy actually ended up looking like extra footage from an action blockbuster.

Skydivers in one plane were preparing for their jump when the plane they were in suddenly veered into one below, resulting in a small explosion and sending all nine skydivers out into the air along with the falling debris. But because they were all experienced skydivers, they were able to steady themselves enough and act accordingly, deploying their chutes and landing safely on the ground. And because they were all wearing cameras on their helmets, there is terrifying footage of the whole event.

If you have even a mild fear of flying you won't want to watch.

The extraordinary events continued with the pilot of the exploding plane being able to safely eject and parachute to the ground safely, and the pilot of the other plane then safely landing his aircraft despite it being damaged.