Spelling bees are something that we don't really go in for this side of the water, but in the States they really do love learning how to spell. 

So much so, they get their tiny children to learn fancy words that they'll more than likely never use, since kids these days only use text language, as far as we're aware. Spelling bee season (unlike regular bee season, which has more of a buzz about it) is getting bigger every year, and national competitions are even broadcast on TV for those who enjoy seeing words broken down and recited by others. 

It should be a niche audience, but thanks to fantastic moments like this, it has a wider appeal, as this particular young man gets a little bit overexcited about knowing a word like 'kabaragoya', which is a type of lizard apparently. He excitedly yells "I know it! I totally know it!" before going on to spell it incorrectly. 

We feel sorry for Jacob. He's internet famous now, and nobody needs that.