Dating expert Hayley Quinn took to the streets of London to ask women what type of body they prefer.

Recently, the media has begun to turn away from the ripped, toned physiques of personal trainers and models, and started talking more about the body of the average man, or "dadbod". With that in mind, dating expert Hayley Quinn decided to take personal trainer and fitness expert Jamie Alderton to the streets with two regular guys to ask the women of London whether or not the phenomenon was real, and which body they preferred. 

Hayley sees the worry that a lot of men have about their bodies in her line of work, and stated that "I have a lot of male clients who come to me and are concerned that they won't be attractive to women because of their physical shape [but] as the day went on I found the women were fairly split between all three body types and most said as long as a man has a great personality they're not too bothered by how muscular he is".

In fact, it seems that Jamie's perfect physique was slightly off-putting for some women, who found that he was maybe a bit too good looking.

Via The Daily Mail