As Donald Trump passes 100 days in office with a large portion of the American people hating him, and most of the world looking on in a mixture of shock, horror and bemusement, a lot of lofty political analysis is being carried out on the Grand High Cheeto.

Is he the worst US President in living memory? The polling data suggests that he's the most disliked President since records began, and his crazed persona hasn't really gone away since actually winning the election either. Whatever about all that stuff, one thing's certain - comedy's been handed a goldmine of material to work with and Stephen Colbert's undoubtedly mined the most from it all.

As the 100 day mark passes, Colbert needed just 99 seconds to sump everything beforehand - and it reminds you just how much of a complete and utter fuck-up Trump is.

Take a look and be horrified.