The hotly anticipated advertisement for Dior Homme starring Robert Pattinson has finally made its debut and BOY is it capital H, O, T. R-Patz has never looked cooler smoking a fag (please note, we're not condoning that you go off and buy a box of 20), while some blonde bombshell (or as I like to call her, lucky bitch) frolicks about the place as they enjoy the ocassional smooch - we especially enjoy the one in the lift - and get up to all manner of rule-breaking activity.

I actually stumbled across it by accident, as I was scowering YouTube for a song to soothe my Monday blues, I realised it was one of the first times an advertisement had played on YouTube before the video I wanted to see and I hadn't clicked 'Skip Now'. Usually all I ever get is that doctor arsehole telling me that I'm morbidly obese. That's saying one of two things: It's a compelling ad that hooks you almost instantaneously, or I sadly STILL need to get over my unrequited love for Mr Pattinson. I'm going to hazard a guess it's the latter. But do indulge me, watch it and tell me if you think it's good.

Also, I'd KILL to be a fly on the wall in Kristen Stewart's apartment when she gets a load of this.


And here's the official interview with the man himself which proves just as enjoyable a watch as he explains what he wanted to do and why he wanted to do it.