McDonalds have been trying a few new things to change the image that people have of their brand in recent months with the news that their sales are taking a hit around the globe, but this new ad is one of their weirdest yet.

In a new ad that seems to consist entirely of pictures that they got off Tumblr, they highlight all the strange, "uplifting" and downright bizarre messages that they display on the marquee signs that sit beneath their famous golden arches logo around the USA. 

From "hug those dads" (what?) to "a little lovin [sic] can change a lot", the signs are incredibly strange, so much so that they're only matched by the haunting choice of music of a children's choir covering 'Carry On' by Fun. Their version is not fun, and we never want to hear it again.

We're so confused. 

Via Jezebel