If you ever had any doubts about people power, this should put them to rest.
A man in Perth, Australia was saved by hordes of his fellow commuters this morning when they all banded together to push over the train that had pinned his leg to the platform in what has to have been one of the more terrifying things that can happen on your morning commute.
Shortly before 9a.m. local time, commuters in Stirling Station were making their way to work as normal when one slipped between the train and the platform, trapping his leg. Thankfully staff on site alerted the driver and the train was stopped, but when the man's leg couldn't be easily freed all the passengers helped push the train and roll the carriage away from the platform enough to allow him to get his leg out.
Finding Nemo has lessons for us all.
The full video below shows the entire ordeal which lasted roughly ten minutes.