A tech fail set BBC Scotland weather presenter Kawser Quamer into a fit of giggles and I think it’s safe to say, we’ve all been there.
While giving the weather forecast yesterday, she was mistakenly given the caption of “Aaron Ramsay – Ex-offender” and minutes later, the words “Julie Cree – Throughcare Support Worker” appeared as she was describing sunny spells across some areas.
She managed to just about hold it together for the broadcast but was pretty giddy throughout:
You mean @KawserQuamer and @CatrionaShearer? Afraid I can't think what you would be referring to.... pic.twitter.com/MG2USCSvP8
— Simon McCoy (@BBCSimonMcCoy) October 25, 2017
In fairness to Quamer, she was able to have a bit of a lol at herself afterwards, particularly poking fun at being referred to as an ex-offender:
Oh dear! 🙈 #mortified https://t.co/7P1D2xiYNN
— Kawser Quamer (@KawserQuamer) October 25, 2017
Oh look -my ride home after that crazy lunchtime broadcast! 🙈 #justjoking #fitsofgiggles #techfail #weatherpresenterfail @CatrionaShearer âÂ?¤ï¸Â? pic.twitter.com/KpAKOFHIql
— Kawser Quamer (@KawserQuamer) October 25, 2017