We know that sounds like a hard sell but let that statement brew in your head for a few seconds and then ask yourself: "Did I ever really dislike Anne Hathaway, or was I just told I disliked Anne Hathaway?"
Hathaway sort of stepped out of the limelight post-'Interstellar' and is testing the waters again as she returns with 'Colossal' (which is getting solid reviews) and in answering WIRED's 'Autocomplete Interview' she's giving a bit of a wake-up call to those who may have disliked her by, ostensibly, not presenting anything to dislike.
And as a bonus, Jason Sudeikis is here too to dilute the Hathaweight of the whole interview (because let's be honest, this quiz could have gotten real mean real fast).
Trust us, this will leave you feeling better than you felt before you watched.