Magnus Carlsen is a bit of a genius when it comes to chess, and he proved that recently by winning three games at the same time, while wearing a blindfold.
He's the number one ranked chess player in the world and the highest ranked player in the history of chess, so he knows what he's doing, even if he doesn't get to see the board that he's playing on.
At the Sohn Investment Conference in New York this week, in an effort to help raise money for pediatric cancer research and treatment, he took on three different challengers: J. Christopher Flowers (a Wall Street financier), Paul Hoffman (CEO of the Liberty Science Center) and Gbenga Akinnagbe from The Wire. He won, of course.
Clearly, this was inspired by the bit in that episode of The Simpsons where Bart plays three games at once. However, he lost them all, so Magnus is probably a bit better than him.
Via BroBible