Here's a reason to be grateful that dogs on planes isn't really a thing in Europe.

Then one thing to be jealous of is constant inflight internet that Americans seem to have, or that passenger Chris Law had at least when he was flying on a US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia last month and was able to use said internet to bear witness to a literal sh*t-show on board, which resulted in the plane being diverted to Kansas City, Missouri.

A large (alleged) care dog was on board the flight, but dogs being dogs and nature calling, the obvious happened. And then all hell broke loose.

According to NBC, the following went down:

'Passengers said that the large dog went to the bathroom in the plane's aisle as many three times, making people nearby physically ill. The second time after the dog pooped they ran out of paper towels, they didn't have anything else. The pilot comes on the radio, 'Hey, we have a situation in the back, we're going to have to emergency land,' passenger Steve McCall told Inside Edition.'

And here's what Chris Law himself recorded.

All was well that ended well, or as well as was possible, with both the airline and the dog's owner apologising for the whole mess, with the owner apparently promising to buy everyone Starbucks. Which sounds like more of a threat to be honest.

Thanks to Linda Meehan for sending this in!