With Mother's Day coming up, we have to show gratitude to those very special people in our lives - mums.

From the basics like feeding us and giving us shelter (well into our adulthood, in some cases) to emotional support and telling us when to cop the fook on, mums are so important.

As well as being a beacon of light and pillar of strength, mums have provided us with much entertainment over the years.

Many of the best videos and social media posts that have gone viral are thanks to mammys all over the world.

There's this mom who showed support for her aspiring singer daughter Dajia Davis in a unique way.


And this confounded dog's reaction to his human mom enjoying 'Call of Duty.'


This mom aptly summarises parenthood in half a minute.


These moms try to guess whether the objects they're given are dog toys or sex toys.


And this mum's reaction to her daughter's Snapchat filter is hilarious.


These moms are so real about swimsuit season, it hurts.



While here are some Irish mammys getting high for the first time.


Kristen Bell, who is about the most 'mom' of all celebrities, always has great stories to share about her kids. This one about her daughter's anal worms may have been a bit TMI, but it's also so funny.


And last but not least, sure we have to cap things off with a classic.