The Rock shared a great story on Instagram about how he clipped a parked car on the way to work, but that there was a happy ending for all concerned.

Driving through a neighbourhood in Boston with "music blasting - I'm singing away like I'm having a one man party in my truck", The Rock made a bit of an error and misjudged how much space he had between his vehicle and the cars parked on the street, and accidentally clipped a mirror on another pickup truck belonging to one Audie Bridges. 

Being the nice guy that he is, Johnson swung his car around and as he got out he spotted a man walking across the street and asked him if it was his car. Bridges said yes, and had a question of his own: "Uhhh.. Are you The Rock?".

When Johnson answered in the affirmative, Bridges responded with "wow, this is gonna be an awesome story!", and before he knew it, both men were standing there laughing in the middle of the street. The Rock even posed for a snap and shared the picture of the two enjoying a moment of bro-ness as they shook hands after the incident and then went on their merry way.

The Rock offered to pay for everything but Bridges wouldn't accept any money from him, and was pretty cool about the whole thing. As he says himself on the post, "life is funny cause you never know who you're gonna run into... and sure as hell never know who's truck you're gonna sideswipe while driving to work."

Via Mashable