Olympic athletes are perhaps the most sought after people to date on the planet right now, agreed? I'm personally just biding my time before I can swoop in and make a move on Team USA's Nathan Adrian. Have you SEEN HIM? Sweet lord. Sure, they're probably too busy training morning, noon and night to earn themselves a stack of gold medals but that doesn't mean they don't yearn for some lovin'. So eligible are this year's athletes, however, mere mortals just won't cut it. There's only one group of people worthy of this lot's attention: celebrities. Here's who we think would make an ideal Olympian/Celebrity pairing:

Katie Taylor and Chris Brown. Enough said.

Jessica Ennis and Prince Harry. Whatever about the fact that she's already engaged to someone else. He needs a girlfriend and to stop third-wheeling it with his brother and Kate. She's just unREAL and she'd sure slot nicely in with the Royals, given her long list of impressive achievements. His granny would struggle to find a reason to turn her nose up at Ennis, even if she is still just a 'commoner'. What's more, Jessica and Kate could become royal bffs, and they could all live happily ever after.

Michael Phelps and Heather Mills. He's got more gold medals than Lindsay Lohan has misdemeanours - and that's saying a LOT. She's got a thing for gold, being one of the world's most famous golddiggers following the few squillion she squeezed out of Sir Paul McCartney, hence they'd be a match made in heaven.

Usain Bolt and Cheryl Cole. She's cute and she likes her men sporty. Their height difference would further add to their collective charm. The only problem would be her singing, but lucky for Usain, he's fast enough to 'bolt' (weh weh) away within seconds of her bursting into song. We don't need any more reasons than that, do we?

John Joe Nevin and Georgia Salpa. A grand Irish pairing to rival the likes of Drico and Amy Huberman.

Ryan Lochte and Snooki. He's apparently been offered his own reality show, which she of course would love. Despite being a gold medalist he's been dubbed 'America's sexiest douchebag', what with his diamond American flag grill and the fact that he pees in the pool. Again, it was meant to be.


Cian O'Connor's HORSE and Lindsay Lohan. OK, not his current horse, the one from 2004's Olympics that failed it's doping drug test, leading to the mother of all Olympic shit-storms that would dominate the Irish headlines at the time. And as for Lindsay Lohan? Well I hardly need to give context for that.

Got more to add? Feel free to share your own Olympian/Celebrity pairings below.