It's the audio puzzle that has been driving the internet bonkers for the last few days: do you hear Laurel or Yanny?

Those who hear either name are baffled by those who hear nothing but the alternative, but now the correct answer (and yes, there is, in fact a correct answer) has been revealed.

You've probably already read the various theories about our ears losing the capabilities to pick up certain frequencies as we age, and indeed, this accounts for those who hear 'Yanny'.

However, the video comes from the pronunciation site, which is the pronunciation for the word.... laurel.

Wired conducted a probably unnecessary investigation of where the whole thing started, and found that the word had been recorded for by a cast member of Broadway musical 'Cats'. There is no listing for the word Yanny, because, well... it's not a word.

So, in short, Team Laurel is correct; Team Yanny should basically start looking into ear transplants.