Simon Cowell has had a breakthrough. Last week he was all about the paternity tests to prove if the nipper was even his, and asking that Lauren Silverman's ex husband keep schtum about their brief affair in the divorce papers so as to protect Cowell's 'good name'. Selfish, right? An amalgamation of such behaviour, refusal to accept responsibility and what have you, lead to us to brand Cowell, well, a bit of an arsehole.

Now it seems he's facing up to his actions and rather embracing the whole notion of pending fatherhood. Could it be that Simon Cowell is happy? And it's got zilch to do with the amount of money he's making off the latest protege to emerge from his multitude of Syco juggernauts?

In an interview with The Times, Cowell said: "I went to see a scan today and it is just surreal... You see this thing which is now alive moving around. So I am happy."

Add this to his earlier quotes such as "I'm proud to be a dad... It's something I hadn't thought of before, but now I know I feel good about it" and there may just be a perfectly functioning human being with a heart underneath all that chest hair afterall.

Let's just hope the baby draws its hair growth and general good looks from its mother's side.