Now it's not confirmed that he's actually put a ring on it, but sources suggest he's all but got down on one knee. Bit of a flash in the pan if you ask us, considering they've only been seeing each other for a wet minute and made their first public appearance just three weeks ago. But such is life in Hollywood. What will Madonna think? Madge and 53 year old Penn had only recently reunited for a charity trip to Haiti where they set the rumour mill in full swing as to their level of cosiness. Was there a chance they'd be back on? They had a pretty tumultous time together but perhaps with the passing of time and the fact that they'd remained friends, it might have worked again.

Well not now, if Miss Theron has a say.

The Milk star is said to have moved in with his 38 year old girlfriend and her adopted son Jackson, two, they are talking about taking their relationship further.

A source told 'Sean is head over heels in love with Charlize, and her son Jackson... He is a totally different person around Charlize, she brings out the gentle and fun side that not many people have seen of Sean. To see this previously surly grown man, romping around Charlize's backyard with Jackson, with a smile on his face would amaze Sean's detractors. Charlize is getting Sean to not take himself to seriously... The two began talking about marriage in the last few weeks, after Sean moved into Charlize's house. She has never wanted to get married, but seeing how Sean interacts with Jackson, she is having a change of heart... For the longest time, Charlize thought it was just going to be her and Jackson, and she was OK with that. For her to now be talking about getting married is a huge departure for Charlize.'

Said source reckons we shouldn't be surprised by the quick speed at which they're moving: 'They've known each other for over a decade, and have always been friends, so it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that things are getting serious so fast... Sean is in a very good place right now. He has been single for awhile after his divorce with Robin Wright. People didn't realise how hard he took that divorce... He felt like a really big failure, he never wanted to be divorced. Charlize is truly the light in his life. He is even talking about adopting Jackson if they get married!'