We're not exactly cat people, mind, but this is pretty stern proof that cats are actually evil.

A study has found that cats carry with them a specific parasite known as toxoplasma gondii, or t. gondii for short.

The parasite, which only cats can carry, is known to cause severe side effects in people with weakened immune systems. These include foetal development disorders, blindness or even some instances, death.

There's been no definitive study on how many cats carry the t. gondii parasite, however a study by the Schizophrenia Research Journal found that at least 50% of people who suffered from the mental illness owned a cat in their earlier years.

And we thought it was the fact they seem to poo everywhere that drove people crazy.

In the case of preventing your cat from catching this parasite, doctors say you should keep the cat indoors whenever possible and cover the litterbox.

Or, y'know, don't have a cat. Get a dog instead.


Via TIME.com