Now there's a headline worth reading twice. Robert Pattinson, my one true love (we like totally connected when we met last year), will be appearing in an advert for Dior. Almost entirely naked. And it's going to be rather sexually explicit too. He'll be cavorting around the bed with not one but three women. Kissing them. With TONGUES. So nothing like Brad Pitt's God awful Chane ad then. Well, let's wait and see.

What we're wondering though, is how K-Stew will feel about this? Is this Pattinson's subliminal attempt to get her back for cheating on him last year? Pretty good effort in fairness. And we reckon this was indeed a knee-jerk reaction to the whole fiasco, considering that it was filmed around the time that the K-Stew/Rupert Sanders shit hit the fan.

"Pushing the boundaries of what you can get away with", this ad will see R-Patz getting "stuck in" to the whole ethos of the fashion label. When will we get to see it? Come May. MAY!

Speaking to The Sun, a Dior source said: "The advert is sexually explicit. It is pushing the boundaries of what you can get away with in advertising.. Robert is topless for part of it and kissing one of the models with tongues. He really gets stuck in... There's another scene where he takes part in a foursome in various states of undress, although it's not clear whether those scenes will make the final cut... According to the people on set, he didn't take much persuading to get into the role. He got stuck right in."

Goodness me, we're excited.