Leonardo DiCaprio and Orlando Bloom have become everybody's favourite example of bromance goals after they were spotted at Coachella together at the weekend.
An Instagram story surfaced this morning showing the pair in their gaffe after being on the sesh at the music festival and it's all surprisingly relatable. Not a Victoria's Secret model in sight!
New photo of Leonardo DiCaprio with Orlando Bloom (right) at the Coachella Valley. 😄 (c)#LeonardoDiCaprio #OrlandoBloom pic.twitter.com/6RjlqSL97D
— DICAPRIO PH_News (@LeoDiCaprio_PH) April 15, 2017
Leo is (probably) catching up on some missed messages in his friends' Whatsapp group while Orlando looks like he's ready for bed.
The pair were also spotted at the festival itself over the weekend rocking some hoodies which is of course the incognito dress code of choice for all A List stars.
Orlando Bloom and Leonardo DiCaprio ignore the Coachella dress code and provide ultimate bromance goals https://t.co/qZejjL7F66 pic.twitter.com/itoLF7mqHK
— Angela Jones (@angel_jones_aj) April 18, 2017
Leo and Orlando, just two lads that like to go hard on the lash and then go home and eat some Doritos.
Via Esquire