You couldn't not buy a box of cookies after a sell like this.

This Girl Scout outfit from Suffolk County, New York should get honourary degrees in marketing for their clever use of Leonardo DiCaprio's love of Girl Scout Cookies at this year's Oscars to sell their wares.



Be like Leo. Help girls change the world:

Posted by Girl Scout Cookies on Monday, March 7, 2016

The sign, accompanied by the top photo of Leo and his cookies, reads: "Leo wants an Oscar. Leo buys Girl Scout Cookies at the Awards. Leo wins an Oscar. Leo is smart. Be like Leo. Buy Girl Scout Cookies."

The girls said they were inspired by Chris Rock's running joke about Girl Scout Cookies at this years ceremony and the photo of Leo in particular.

"We thought the photo was funny and would help make people buy cookies," the troop told ABC News. "We saw the Academy Awards and thought it would be a good idea if we could do something like that."

As for its effect, the girls said that it definitely helped boost sales as people stopped to notice and appreciate the joke, at which point it was "hard to say no to a Girl Scout".

Sounds like these girls could take over the world if they put their minds to it.

Via ABC / Image via Reddit