Moira Smith was honoured posthumously by Glamour Magazine in 2001 after repeatedly running back into one of the burning towers to ensure she got as many people to safety as she possibly could during the 9/11 attacks. She was killed while inside during one of the evacuations. 

Caitlyn Jenner was honoured this year, alongside Reese Witherspoon, Billie Jean King and Victoria Beckham. 

Her husband posted her award back to Glamour's offices with the following message on his Facebook page. "At a time when we have women in the armed forces fighting and dying for our country, heroic doctors fighting deadly diseases, women police officers and firefighters putting their lives on the line for total strangers, brave women overcoming life threatening diseases…the list of possibilities goes on…is this the best you could do?"

Glamour were adamant in their decision saying, "We were proud to honor his wife... in 2001, and we stand by our decision to honor Caitlyn Jenner. Glamour's Women of the Year Awards recognize women with a variety of backgrounds and experiences."

James Smith is also New York City Police Officer. 

Via Facebook