If a Chinese man tries to sell you a dodgy computer, it is your duty to return it to Lindsay Lohan immediately; the last thing the world needs is more photos of her arse in circulation.

The actress claims her laptop was stolen from an airport in China yesterday and has issued an appeal for its safe return. The 27-year-old, who was honoured with a Sohu Fashion Achievement Award on Monday night for some reason, wrote on Twitter: "It was great to be in China and I want to thank everyone for their hospitality, however someone has stolen my computer at the airport... offering a reward for anyone who can retrieve and rtn it, bummer to go home w/o it. xo L (sic)" If that isn't confirmation that the hard drive is riddled with shots of her bum, I don't know what is.

TMZ are also fueling rumours of illicit photos by reporting such things as: "We've learned she had a bunch of nude photos of herself. She claims they're all from various photo shoots that were never supposed to be released. Again, when an actress is asked to take her clothes off, usually no good comes from that. And there's more... We're told Lindsay claims she has "private correspondence" from a bunch of famous people, including Woody Allen and Lady Gaga, that she wants to keep under wraps (unlike her bottom). We pressed on whether there were selfies but got no answer... so we're guessing there are."

The actress flew to China after ringing in the New Year in New York City, and was spotted partying in clubs in Shanghai in recent days before attending the second annual awards ceremony.

It was recently revealed that Lindsay is working on her third studio album and is also writing her memoir, which started as a series of journal entries during one of her many in rehab stints.

The book is expected to see Lindsay open up about every aspect of her life including becoming a child star, allegations of drug use, relationships with famous people - including her relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson - legal troubles and many rehab visits. In other words, most of it won't be news.