If you want to know if a trend is dead, just wait until the establishment jump on it.

Unfortunately the insane worldwide craze that is 'Pokémon Go' doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon which allows for both US Presidential candidates to jump on the bandwagon and ruin it for everyone. Prepare to cringe and cringe hard.

Hillary Clinton was the first out the gate, who managed to shoehorn a Pokémon reference into a speech at an event last night to show how down she is with the kids.

Not cringe at all, is it...

Clinton is also directing hopeful voters in Ohio to a Pokéstop to "put up a lure module, get free pokemon, & battle each other while you register voters and learn more about Sec. Hillary Clinton!!!". She's so down you guys. So hip.

Of course it didn't take long for Donald Trump to respond with a parody video of the game starring 'crooked' Hillary, a name he's desperate to make stick in his campaign.

Points for trying, we guess?

Get out while you can.

Via Gizmodo