This may sound like something made for a SNL sketch, but it's real - Netflix have invented socks that will pause your video if you fall asleep.

You'll never have to annoying re-find your place on a TV show or film when you're wearing these babies.

Using technology that detects movement, a sensor in the socks will pause the show whenever your activity levels  drop - so if you're the sort of person who stays very, very still when watching TV, they may not be for you.

Otherwise, these sound like a good investment - but they're not available for sale, unfortunately. Netflix has instead detailed how to make the socks yourself, so if you're feeling crafty (or want to tap into a market for ultra-lazy people), get the instructions here.

It just involves "doing a little knitting and building some electronics." Oh, and you’ll also "need an understanding of electronics and microcontroller programming, and be comfortable around a soldering iron." No biggie!

Watch the video demonstration below: 
