A branch of McDonald's in Marseilles, France was the subject of outrage earlier this week when an internal posting gained traction online.

The posting related to branch workers giving out their staff meal to homeless people in the area, which some had been doing to help those affected in the area.

The posting read: "After an incident on July 25th, it is absolutely forbidden to provide food to vagrants, as a reminder, the team’s meals should be eaten on the premises. Meals for team members are a personal benefit and are to be enjoyed only by the worker in question. McDonald’s is not in the business of feeding all the hungry people in the land. Any diversion from the procedure cited above will result in sanction that could lead to dismissal."

As you'd expect, the statement was quickly removed from the branch - but the damage was done as an image of the posting quickly went viral online in a matter of hours.

In a statement released by McDonald's, they reiterated that the point of the posting was in relation to employee and customer security and that there was a serious incident in the date in question. They apologised for anyone who was shocked and that 'the process and formulation was clumsy'.


Via Reuters